Monday, November 24, 2014

LAD #19 - Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address

Abraham Lincoln delivering his second Inaugural Address
There is no reason for this speech to be as long as the first, as there is little new information to be presented. Four years ago, the nation had been seeking to avoid war - the North wanting to save it without war and the South wanting to secede peacefully. But the would rather have war than have the nation die and the South would rather have war than stay in the Union so they went to war anyway. The slaves in the South were of interest - from the beginning, some saw they would have a core connection to the war. Neither side expected the war to have lasted as long as it has or that the goal of the war would change so much. Both sides invoke God's aid against the other, which seems a strange thing to ask God. But whatever God decides, so be it. Let us continue, meanwhile, with our work and heal the Union and strive for the peace we want.

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