Tuesday, November 11, 2014

LAD #11: Seneca Falls Declaration

Elizabeth Cady Stanton at the Seneca Falls Convention.
The Seneca Falls Declaration starts off just like the Declaration of Independence, though it replaces "men" with "men and women" in the preamble. It then further parallels the Declaration by going into a list of "grievances" against men, listing things such as women's inability to vote; civil violations of their rights once married, like rights to property / wages; the denial of their educations; men's general power over women; and the destruction of women's self-respect to make them more dependent upon men. It declares that women will have the inalienable rights set in the Constitution and that they will make every effort to make it so, no matter how much they're ridiculed.

It resolves that men and women are equal and that laws that put women inferior to men have no authority and women should realize their situation is unsatisfactory, and advocates that women should have more freedom in general. There would need to be great effort put forth by both men and women to accomplish this. And since all people are created equal, anything or anyone that suggests otherwise is "at war with mankind."

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