Wednesday, March 4, 2015

LAD #33: FDR's First Inaugural Address

FDR giving his first inaugural address.
FDR opens the speech with his most famous line - "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." He hopes that people will support him in the hard times America is facing. The difficulties, thankfully, only consist of material things, like money. Though loss of trade and unemployment are big problems, they still had a lot to be thankful for. Much of the problem was caused by money changers, whose thoughts were outdated, and it was time to restore the nation back to being based on social values rather than monetary profit. Also, happiness is not achieved through making money but through achievement, and people shouldn't try to get into high positions just for power and profit.

Restoration calls for action as well; the problem of unemployment could be solved by putting people to work on government projects and at the same time organizing the nation's natural resources efficiently. Talking about it won't help; they must act. In addition, practices such as speculation with other peoples' money and corrupt banking needed to stop.

The nation now realizes its interdependence, that they must act together in order to make any progress. Discipline was the key to getting the nation back on track.

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